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ITEMS RELATING TOConventionsLP 2002 Convention
Convention Activity SummariesTUESDAY - 2 July 2002The Platform Committee met all day.The Bylaws Committee met during the afternoon. "Libertarian Victory School" was held with presentations by Don Gorman and Ron Crickenberger.
WEDNESDAY - 3 July 2002The Bylaws Committee completed its work. Among the proposals to be presented to the delegates are:
The Platform Committee completed its work. In addition to proposing a set of amendments to existing planks, the Platform Committee is proposing the creation of a new "executive summary" consisting of one sentence per plank. The committee is also proposing that they continue working between now and the next convention to reformat all the planks into a more consistent style, without changing the content; the result would be turned over to the next convention for consideration. The Credentials Committee met to consider the list of delegates. The "Libertarian Victory School" concluded with presentations by various speakers. The outgoing LNC met for the last scheduled meeting of their term. Notable items of business included:
Convention festivities began with the Opening Night Party.
THURSDAY - 4 July 2002The official convention business opened with motions relating to credentials and adoption of the agenda. An amendment was made to the bylaws to explicitly allow the seating of delegates whose names had not been submitted prior to the opening of the convention, but only if approved by a 7/8 vote of the convention. (Traditionally, seating new delegates under such circumstances had been allowed by unanimous consent, but it was discovered that the bylaws did not seem to allow for that.) Later, operating under this new rule, the convention approved the seating of several additional delegates but denied approval in those cases where the person was not a resident of the state whose delegation was proposing the addition.The initially reported registration count was 307; a figure of 373 was reported in the late afternoon. The platform retention vote was conducted; results had not been announced as of the end of the day's business. The Treasurer presented his report, giving his perspective on the Party's current financial difficulties, their causes, and prospects for improvement. The main business of the afternoon was consideration of the Bylaws Committee report. The following changes were approved by the convention:
Several other proposals -- to adjust language relating to eligibility for nomination to the LNC, to increase the amount of borrowing allowed without LNC approval, to change the method of election of Judicial Committee members, and to change the procedure for approval of proposals from the Platform Committee -- were discussed but not approved. The remaining recommendations from the Bylaws Committee were not discussed due to lack of time. Additional speakers and presentations in the main hall included: Mark Rutherford, Phil Miller, a slide show tribute to John Perry, Ron Crickenberger, Andy Horning, Otto Guevara, John Berthoud, and "William Jefferson Clinton". The lunch speaker was Harry Browne. There were additional speakers in breakout rooms. The main event of the evening was the LNC candidate forum. First, candidates for Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and At-Large were each given a chance to speak for a few minutes -- this portion lasted about 45 minutes. Then the three main candidates for Chair made statements and answered questions submitted by the audience. All questions were for all candidates with each candidate given the same amount of time to answer. There were no candidate-to-candidate questions or rebuttals. This portion of the program lasted about 85 minutes.
FRIDAY - 5 July 2002The registration count reported in the morning (after taking into account a few additions approved by the convention) was 456; a figure of 536 was reported in the afternoon.The convention voted to give awards as follows:
The main business of the day was consideration of the Platform Committee report. Amendments to four planks were approved: the addition of a paragraph about proportional representation and IRV to the Election Laws plank, replacement of a paragraph in the Internal Security and Civil Liberties plank with two new paragraphs, and minor changes to the Colonialism and Military Policy planks. A recommendation relating to the Juries plank was discussed but not approved. The remainder of the recommendations for amendment of planks were not considered due to lack of time. In addition, the convention adopted two resolutions concerning the Platform. First, the Platform Committee was authorized to produce an executive summary of the Platform, consisting of one sentence for each plank. This document is to be available by Sunday afternoon. Second, the Platform Committee will continue to work as a special committee with the goal of developing a proposal for a revised Platform, having the same section and plank structure but different structure within each plank, for consideration by the next convention. There will be an open e-mail list [] to allow all members to offer input to this process. The target for completion of this proposal is October 2003. Speakers in the main hall included: Bill Masters, David Brin, Rebecca Sink-Burris, Ed Thompson, Carla Howell, Steve Dillon, and Gary Johnson. Breakfast speakers were David Brin and John Buttrick. The lunch speaker was Ron Paul. There were additional speakers in breakout rooms. There was a "30th Anniversary Celebration" in the evening, with birthday cake.
SATURDAY - 6 July 2002The registration count reported in the morning (after taking into account a few additions approved by the convention) was 615; a figure of 624 was reported in the afternoon.It was reported that all Platform planks had received more than 50% in the initial retention vote. The main business of the day was election of members of the Libertarian National Committee:
AK CO ID MT OR UT WA WY rep: Ed Hoch alt: Mike Fellows AZ CA HI (double-size region) rep: Joe Dehn and Mike Dixon alt: Mark Hinkle and Scott Lieberman IN KY MI OH rep: Mark Rutherford alt: Jeff Zweber AL FL GA NC SC rep: Michael Gilson de Lemos alt: Sean Haugh DC DE MD NJ PA VA WV rep: Lorenzo Gaztanaga alt: Fred Childress CT MA ME NH NY RI VT rep: Mark Cenci alt: Bonnie Scott AR LA MS NM NV OK TN TX rep: Steve Trinward alt: Tim Hagan IA IL KS MN MO ND NE SD WI rep: Mark Nelson alt: Bob Sullentrup Speakers in the main hall included: Michael Cloud, Reginald Jones, Tim Slagle, James Dan, Larry Pratt, Austin Hough, and Clyde Cleveland. Breakfast speakers were John Hospers, Tonie Nathan, Ed Clark, and David Bergland. There were additional speakers in breakout rooms. The evening banquet featured Ed Crane, receiving the Champion of Liberty Award, and Neal Boortz. The evening's festivities were topped off by an evacuation of the hotel at about 1:15am.
SUNDAY - 7 July 2002Results for LNC At-Large (top five elected): Bette Rose Ryan 316 Mike Dixon 277 R. Lee Wrights 265 Don Gorman 259 Austin Hough 257 Aaron Starr 184 Dan Karlan 178 Starchild 169 Al Anders 167 Sam Goldstein 138 Richard Freedman 65 Elias Israel 3 Carol Moore 1 Marina Neale 1 NOTA 0 (details) (Note: as a result of the election of Mike Dixon to an at-large position, the second Region 2 representative is now George Squyres) The following were elected to the Judicial Committee by acclamation (seven candidates for seven positions): Dean Ahmad Greg Clark Rock Howard Tom Knapp Richard Moroney David Nolan Blay Tarnoff (The Judicial Committee elected Dean Ahmad as Judicial Committee Chair.) Convention CommitteesBYLAWS COMMITTEE 10 members, all selected by LNC... Mark Nelson (IA) - interim chair Ken Bisson (IN) Sam Goldstein (IN) Don Gorman (NH) Tim Hagan (NV) Dana Johansen (VA) Dan Karlan (NJ) Richard Moroney (IA) Geoff Neale (TX) Marianne Volpe (VA) PLATFORM COMMITTEE 20 members, 10 selected by LNC... Mike Dixon (AZ) - interim chair Dean Ahmad (MD) Lorenzo Gaztanaga (MD) Michael Gilson de Lemos (FL) Henry Haller (PA) Sean Haugh (NC) Ed Hoch (AK) Erin Hollinden (IN) Robert Murphy (OK) George Squyres (AZ) Joe Hauptmann (IN) - 1st alt. Mark Schreiber (IN) - 2nd alt. plus one selected by each of the 10 largest state parties... CA: Wayne Nygren Laura Stewart - alt. FL: Dan Nafe GA: Steve Hoffman IL: Austin Hough MI: Keith Edwards NY: Bonnie Scott Bill McMillen - alt OH: Norma Skoog PA: Julian Heicklen TX: Robert Restivo WA: Greg Clark CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE 10 members, 5 selected by LNC... Gary Johnson (TX) - interim chair Dena Bruedigam (OH) Nick Dunbar (VA) Richard Fischer (VA) Bette Rose Ryan (CO) plus one selected by each of the 5 largest state parties... CA: Ray Acosta FL: Jack Tanner GA: Tim Forzly MI: Emily Salvette TX: Rock Howard |