Square Dance Tutorial

Dancer Identification

Table of Contents
Squared Set
Centers vs. Ends
Positions Within Pairs
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Dancers may be identified by labels which stay constant during a tip, from beginning to end, as well as by labels which depend on where they are at the particular moment.

Whether a dancer is a Boy or Girl is determined when they square up and does not change during the tip.

Whether a dancer is a Head or Side is determined when they square up and does not change during the tip except that, during a singing call, as the girls switch partners they take on the head/side identity of that partner.

Whether a dancer is a Center or an End, a Beau or a Belle, and a Leader or a Trailer depends on where they are at a particular time, and is constantly changing during a tip.

The action for some calls is defined in terms of these categories. In some situations, the caller may make explicit use of these labels to select which dancers should perform a particular action. Either way, the better that dancers can maintain an awareness of which identities apply to them, the better they will be able to perform the action intended by the caller.