This "quick tutorial" introduces the general idea of a call and explains the most common cases. It does not explain or illustrate all cases. For additional details and/or examples, refer to the links in the "MORE INFO" box.
Clover and is a prefix, used in combination with another call. The couples who are facing out do a Cloverleaf. The other four dancers do the other call in the center.
Each dancer is doing only one of these things. The dancers who are doing the clover action don't do the other call. The dancers who are doing the other call don't do the clover action. For example on a Clover and Touch 1/4 four of the dancers are doing a Cloverleaf while the other four are doing a Touch 1/4.
Note that if the other dancers don't start in the center, they must move into the center to do their call. For example in a Clover and Pass Thru where the couples facing out are starting in the center, the end dancers step forward to face each other directly and then do a Pass Thru.
Cross Clover and works the same way except that the dancers in the couples facing out go around the other side of the square. They start with the belle (the dancer on the right) sliding in front of the other dancer, just as if they were doing a Half Sashay before doing the Cloverleaf. For example, in a Cross Clover and Pass the Ocean the dancers facing out do this cross clovering action while the other four dancers do a Pass the Ocean in the center.
Note that the dancers who are cross clovering only cross once, at the beginning. They end normally, without crossing again.