This "quick tutorial" introduces the general idea of a call and explains the most common cases. It does not explain or illustrate all cases. For additional details and/or examples, refer to the links in the "MORE INFO" box.
The call Veer means to move sideways in the given direction while also stepping forward. Starting from facing couples, this action will create a two-faced line. Nobody turns as part of this action, and the two dancers of each couple hold hands the whole time. The center dancers must then join hands with each other to complete the line.
For a Veer Left, the couples will move sideways to their left, forming a two-faced line with the centers holding right hands.
For a Veer Right, the couples will move over to their right, forming a two-faced line with the centers holding left hands.
Veer is also used when dancers are already in a two-faced line. The direction must be toward the center of the line. The couples slide over in that direction while stepping forward, and end up back-to-back. For example, from a two-faced lined with the centers holding right hands, the dancers can do a Veer Right.
From a two-faced lined with the centers holding left hands, the dancers can do a Veer Left.