This "quick tutorial" introduces the general idea of a call and explains the most common cases. It does not explain or illustrate all cases. For additional details and/or examples, refer to the links in the "MORE INFO" box.
Wheel Thru starts from facing couples, and is similar to Lead Right, except that the two couples pass through each other rather than going past each other. Everybody turns to the right. The beaus (dancers on the left) from each couple pass right shoulders with each other.
Left Wheel Thru is the same but in the other direction. Everybody turns to the left. The belles (dancers on the right) from each couple pass left shoulders with each other.
Wheel Thru is very commonly done from a squared set, at the beginning of a sequence. In this case, the dancers must start by walking forward, before doing the rest of the action. They will end up facing the other couples, just as with a Lead Right in the same situation. For example, after a Heads Wheel Thru, the head couples will be in the center facing the side couples.